Festival Reviews

Looking for a recap on your favourite music festivals this year, then check out our variety of reviews from festivals all over the world.  Our team of journalists and photographers bring to life memorable moments from the likes of Bestival, Isle of Wight, Creamfields to Glastonbury, Wireless and more!

You can also check out our full range of photo albums from festivals in our flickr account here

Bestival 2016 ‘The Future’: Reviewed!

It’s that time of year again, where the rest of the UK has basically resigned itself to Autumn but Bestival-goers know that there is one last high summer fling to be had. Cars crammed with people and gear are flooding the ferry docks, horns are blaring, people are already on the drinks at 9am… off we go to the Isle.

Upon arriving at Robin Hill, it’s clear something has gone awry. For some unknown reason they’ve decided to trickle-open the carparks, meaning those wanting to camp in yellow can’